Saturday, December 12, 2009

Embarking on a pants project....

So, I find myself hard to fit (as afore mentioned) and I have this pair of jeans that I've loved til wholly.

Before I found them in this situation, I bought a pattern, and then when the pants gave up the ghost, I took them apart to compare them to the pattern. Of course they don't match at all and I also dont think I got the right size.... so I decided to disassemble my jeans for use as a pattern.

I took them apart over the course of the week and then tonight dug out my Starch....

....and mixed a fairly strong batch in a spraybottle and starched the crap out of my worn out jeans to use them as a pattern. Here you see my waist band...

...yoke of the back of the pants the old zipper (which I will reuse since it is in fine condition) and the zipper flap.

Here I've got it laid out to figure out how much denim I need of my stash so I can preshrink it and hopefully get them sewn together tonight.

You can kinda tell by the picture how starchy the material is because its nearly shiny... seemed necessary though, because the fabric was nearly misshapen from having loved them so much.

Here goes nothing.....

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